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Sabrina Matheny

Becoming the Egyptian Queen

What beliefs do people have that enable them to accomplish their goals? What is the turning point or magical moment that inspires a vision to become a viable path? Can that energy be duplicated, and if so, how? I believe it can and I want to give you a few tools that can help you to turn your dream into a reality.


Choose Your Role

When we admire someone, we feel they hold a quality that we either have ourselves or we want to experience. Actors have the gift of bringing to life a character from the pages of a script. They change their appearance, their mannerisms, and sometimes their accents to get into character. Their ability to do this ensures the resulting project will be a hit or a flop. We can feel if they believe themselves to be that character. We have all seen on screen combos where the guy and the girl said their lines while staring into each other’s eyes, but the chemistry was nowhere in sight. The key to practicing a new vibration is to find someone that you can emulate and then stepping into their vibration.

I watched the Netflix docuseries “Queen Cleopatra” and loved it. She was multilingual, politically savvy and fiercely devoted to the people of Egypt. For the next few days that followed I wanted to replicate that power within me, so the actress Adele James became my role model. I was mesmerized by her hair and decided that it would become my touchstone. I have somewhat curly hair, nothing like her gorgeous locks, but I did not see that as an obstacle. I brushed my hair out, displaying my plumage like a peacock spreading its brightly colored tail feathers. When looking at myself in the mirror, I could feel my Cleopatra frequency beginning to resonate.

Be Clear

You have to believe in yourself and not just in your vision. It is imperative that you shatter every crystalized limitimg belief you hold about achieving your dream and work to bring your beliefs into alignment with your aspiration. We often say we want something, but somewhere deep within we do not truly believe we are capable or worthy of having it. We must get to the core of any fear and determine if we want to continue to feel afraid or if we are responding to an old recording. Dust off your diary and put your therapist on speed dial, this is a showdown between you and you! 

Be Confident

When you know the direction you want to go, it is easy to chart your course. You have to act on your passions to make them real. Dreaming is not sufficient energy to bring your ideas to fruition. You need those action steps, and they must be taken with a healthy detachment from a particular outcome so as not to limit your possibilities.

We can become discouraged when we follow through on an idea and it does not turn out the way we had hoped. The universe is prompting us to discover something more about ourselves before this idea can manifest. The only way to this information is through this information. Define, redefine, reconsider and recalculate until you get to the essence of what you truly want to birth. This is the time when ideas that have long lain fallow can emerge.


Imagine yourself to be riding the waves of creativity on a surfboard. You move your body to maintain your balance as you feel the motion of the ocean. It would never occur to you to stand lock kneed determining that the vastness of the ocean must surrender to your will. You only know that which you have lived and the experiences of those that are near and dear to your heart. Universal wisdom far exceeds those self-imposed boundaries, so allow it to show you the form your dream can take.

Maintaining your balance means discerning what is for you and finding the courage to walk away from what isn’t. Instead of thinking of those wipeouts as failures, take them to mean that you need more information or more practice to make the idea a reality. Sometimes the message is that this particular dream is not in your highest and best interest and catching that particular wave will be detrimental to your well-being. You will most likely feel an uncertainty that will override your ability to self soothe. When this happens, be sure to pause long enough for self-reflection in order to uncover your truth.

The Apotheosis

The amount of time you remain in each step depends how well you are adjusting to the energy growing inside of you. I have enjoyed wearing my lions mane, seeing my life through Egyptian cat eyes, and strutting my stuff on an imaginary runway. I asked my partner to call me Queen and that honorific alone makes me feel important, valued and seen. I have noticed over the last week that confronting my habit of discounting my needs and over explaining myself has led to my becoming unapologetic for my choices. I no longer feel the need to justify my actions by seeking approval before I do what I feel is in my best interest. As I work on projects that will enable me to reach a larger audience, I can hear the voice of the insecure girl within ask who do you think you are? 

Trying on the energy of the last Pharoah of Egypt has empowered me to reply I am Sabrina Matheny and I reign as absolute sovereign in my life!

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