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Writer's pictureSabrina Matheny

Here’s to a great year of getting to know you!

Updated: Apr 2

I started seeing psychics at eighteen years of age. My mother took us to a tarot card reader named Suzanne to get a better handle on our love lives because let’s face it, that was foremost on our minds at that age. I continued to book sessions with various psychics over the years, because I appreciate having another person help me to make sense of the information I pick up on, but sometimes struggle to make heads or tails of. You might be wondering where does this information come from, and is it all hooey?

Legit psychics read our energy fields. I’m not referring to mediums that connect to higher sources via spirit guides. All mediums rely on their psychic skills, but not all psychics are mediums. I am speaking about people that have fine-tuned their intuitive skills to be able to sense information about others. They use their intuitive gifts to tune into information that is existing in the energy around us that has not yet made its way into the physical world. This is why sometimes their predictions do not seem to be accurate. They are reading possible outcomes.

When we focus our energy on our thoughts and beliefs, we create energetic responses to match those thoughts. If we stay with a belief for a long period of time it can manifest as we make choices with our energy to support those beliefs. If, however, we change our minds, those possibilities change, and new opportunities make their way into our lives. It’s called free will and we all have it! A psychic is tuning into what we have created in our energetic escrow and can help us understand the implications of continuing down that thought path. A session is like a tune up. If you do not like what’s headed your way, you can create awareness around your current choices and shift them into a whole new direction. This is why their predictions are never set in stone.

A few years ago, as my twenty-seven-year marriage ended, I felt compelled to contact this highly recommended psychic that told me amongst other things that I would be meeting a new man. She said that I would not be ready for him until after I spent time alone healing and firmly felt my past relationship was in my rearview. She went on to say that this man would be unlike any other man I’ve known. He would take his place beside me. He would support my vision of my life and would want to assist me in the work I chose to do in this lifetime. “You will not have to do anything special to meet him; you will just be being yourself and see him. Your eyes will meet, and you will know this man to be the one you’ve waited for, a true partnership.” I have to admit that because of that reading over the next few months anytime I saw someone of interest I made it a point to look him in the eyes and see if I felt anything unusual or special. I met a few men that I enjoyed getting to know, but the dating world had changed a lot since the early nineties and I didn’t have the new playbook, so I benched myself and decided to take some time to heal my wounded heart. I found strength in my friends and family as I made strides to build a new life for myself. I soon forgot about that session as I settled into a new town and started rediscovering who I was. I researched online dating and worked up the courage to make a dating profile. It was a strange time for me. Marketing myself felt inauthentic, yet I wanted to prove to myself that I could meet new people and think about finding a connection that would be fun and exciting! I made it a point to state in my profile that I was an energy worker having to later clarify that ‘no, I did not work duke power, but the spirit world’ on many occasions. Being new to this format I wanted to take my time getting to know the different men through texting on the site. Many of them did not appreciate that notion as they pushed for exchanging phone numbers and meetings in person. It was disheartening to see that some men really were about what they wanted in the situation with little or no thought as to what I might be dealing with in my own life. However, one man did catch my eye because he understood that what I really needed was time to acclimate to this online platform. He was okay not meeting in person or phone conversations until I was more comfortable. He did mention that he would be in my town taking a yoga class on Sundays if I changed my mind and wanted to meet for coffee, but he would wait as long as I needed him to for a formal introduction. Now that got my attention for many reasons, one of which was because I had signed up for a beginner yoga class on Sundays as well, starting in just two weeks. In his profile he spoke of doing yoga daily and suddenly I panicked thinking I had signed up for an advanced class! I couldn’t bear the thought of looking like a fool upon meeting him for the first time! Later that day, I was at a friend’s house with the studio’s owner and asked her if she knew this guy and could she tell me more about the class. We passed his profile around the group of women standing around in the kitchen and one of my friends looked me dead in the eyes and says, “you should ask him out for a beer on Sunday. What do you have to lose?” There was something about the way she said it and the look in her eyes that felt important. So, I did, and he accepted. I was 20 minutes late and very nervous as I made my way to the local brewery. I texted him and asked if I could bring him a beer since I was passing the bar on my way to the seating by the river where we agreed to meet. I walked out there with beers in hand and found him sitting alone not at all bothered by my tardiness. We chit chatted for a few minutes, and I thought wow he’s handsome, why doesn’t he remove his sunglasses? Hearing my thoughts, he responded in kind and then it happened. Our eyes met, and I knew this was the guy my psychic predicted I would meet. No pretense, just us in a heart to heart exchange. That was one year ago, and we have been together ever since. This man is my equal in every way. He is everything my psychic said he would be and more. How did she know? I think my whole life I knew I was worthy of a man that would honor and love me. No matter how difficult life was for me over the years, I never wavered in my knowing that I deserved to be loved for me. This was the belief that I held in my energy field since I first fell in love at eighteen years old. I had not always honored myself in previous relationships, so my disempowering choices held me apart from receiving this experience until now. It took making the decision to end something toxic and doing the emotional work necessary to remind me that I am worthy of all the love I carry in my heart. This is what allowed me to be an energetic match for him.

Do I believe in psychics? You bet! She could see in my energy that I was on the cusp of manifesting a true partnership. All that was needed to bring this into my reality was my willingness to honor myself first and move from that place of strength. Her predication gave me hope. Happy Anniversary baby! It’s been a great year of discovery and I am looking forward to many more!

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