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Writer's pictureSabrina Matheny

Letting Go Of Our Family Pets

Updated: Apr 2

Her name is Fleur.

No one is immune from death. Death comes in many forms, and in many stages of life. It is part of the cycle of life. Even knowing that spirits eventually seek release from the constraints of the physical body, we still grieve the loss of our connection to them when they make their way home. Today I share how our angels helps us to cope with letting go of our family pets.

As I tap away on my keyboard, my 15-year-old blind, deaf poodle is on her dog bed with a treat, watching Psychthe television show. Yes, I realize how ridiculous that is as she is blind and deaf, and a dog that doesn’t understand people speak to boot, but it comforts her because it comforts me. We are psychically synced. I know that I can connect to her anytime that I tune into her energy, and still the tears come. She has served me faithfully for her entire life. She is the only dog in all my dog companions that decided I was her person and hers alone. In her glory years she would jump into my lap and guard me as though she were the Greek God Ares, and I were her beloved Aphrodite. She was ready to strike at any other dog that glanced my way. I shouldn’t brag about that, but I can’t help but smile. You see, ever since I was a little girl, I prayed for a dog of my own. We were always a one dog family growing up, and I wished for a dog that could be just mine. There she sits, and her name is Fleur.

Tomorrow I will have this beautiful being putdown as her body is failing her and the world around her is shutting her out. I’ve questioned many times if it is the right time. I know from working with the spirit world that death is a human experience because the spirit lives on. It isn’t the fear of the unknown that’s creating this unrest in me, it’s knowing if I am doing right by her by setting her free from her physical body at this time.

How do we navigate the process of letting go when we are so attached?

I don’t believe there is one way, but I do believe there is one formula that will never fail you and that is to do whatever you can and however you can to get through it. You might think that because I can tune into the spirit world that I would not struggle with this decision. What came to me during my morning meditation is that we all struggle with grief and loss. We all wonder when the right time is to let go those animals we love. My sense from spirit is that when we start to question this, we are beginning our journey of detachment.

Your angels will attempt to prepare you in all the ways they can of what is to come. I say angels, because they watch over the nature kingdom. Animals are often used as healing agents for humans. They are loyal and faithful to the point of taking on our physical illnesses to spare us our pain. The angels are also devoted to us humans and love us just as fiercely. They realize the pain we suffer when our furry friends time on earth is ending. They will use whatever means necessary to soften our resistance to letting them go.

Looking back, you will remember conversations with friends, songs on the radio, themes on television shows etc. that touched on love, loss and healing in the months, weeks and days leading up to their transition. We are given little previews so to speak of what is to come. There will be something “different” that transpires to get your attention.

As I think about my little flower, I see all the people that were used as instruments of light to help me with my letting go. From a caring partner that loved her as his own, to a group of his buddies in town for only a week, that have surrounded me with incredible kindness. Strangers to me, yet each one willing to be vulnerable and share their personal journey with the death of a family pet. Even Fleur herself has been sticking to me like glue. She searches for me in the house and insists on being right next me. This is new behavior for her and for me, a sign of her acknowledgment that our time together on earth is drawing to a close.

I will miss her sweet face and resilient spirit. I am happy that tomorrow her health will be restored, and she will once again see, hear, run and play with her friends in spirit. I couldn’t have asked for a better companion for the last fifteen years. I relish in the knowing that I was loved by a dog, and her name was Fleur.

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