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Writer's pictureSabrina Matheny

Time To Get To Class (Energetically Speaking)

Updated: Apr 2

I used to be a French teacher. I really enjoyed working with young people. I recognized that learning a language takes courage and felt that step one in getting my students to use the language would be building their confidence.

Each year we started our first class with choosing French names and learning French greetings. This gave me the ammo I needed to take French out of the classroom. Now as I passed them in the hallways I would make eye contact and say “Bonjour (Véronique), comment ça va aujourd’hui?” I could see kids looking back at me trying to make sense of why I would speak French to them outside of class. I pressed on. I would give three pat answers using hand gestures to emphasize their meanings. I would say (in French) with a thumbs up “Are you good?” Then moving my hand in a so-so fashion, I would ask “Are you just ok?” or now with a thumbs down, “Are you not well?” Without fail, every single student would look up with surprise and say “Bien!” (That was the easiest of the three to repeat back) Oh their excitement when they realized they did it, they spoke French! The following class period was always filled with eager minds as they were now officially (in their young minds) bilingual.

Being a language learner myself, and trained as a teacher, it never occurred to me to start the first day teaching subject pronouns and verb conjugations. The goal was to ease my students into the language. As their comfort grew, so did their willingness to learn more. They would make mistakes, and I would make allowances for them as long as they kept trying until I could see that those mistakes were becoming a habit that would interfere with their ability to build on a concept. This is where we would hit repeat until they could break that pattern.

This is precisely how your spirit guides work with you. They are your teachers. They have your lesson plan. They know your skill level. Everything that you experience in life hinges on your knowing your worth, so that is what most of your twenties and thirties are all about. You’re given an awareness perhaps through your dreams, or like me in meditation, and then you spend time in your hallways, cafeteria and gym practicing those concepts. When you have moved through 1st order change, new students arrive to make sure you have fully integrated the information. When you struggle, you may have to be tutored or go to in school suspension until you let go of your resistance and learn the material. Like any good teacher they have ways of measuring your ability. In the energetic realm this is your vibration. They pay attention to how you speak and the ways you direct your energy through your actions. They are empathic, so there is no hiding your true motivation from them because like the good old days of the school marm, they are prepared to deal with your shenanigans. They’ve taught for so long that they have seen it all.

When your intention, words and actions line up, you will be rewarded with extra time on the playground. When they are out of alignment, you will be made to stay in during free time with the other hooligans. In their realm this is the law of attraction. You may not have bullied Lilly on the playground, but you might be guilty of asserting your power over a coworker or a roommate. They aren’t interested in the details, just that somewhere in your life you are complicit in that energy and must understand its implications. Until you get that a power trip is power trip, you will align with opportunities in which you will give away your power and others where you might delight in lording it over another. Cliff notes… Choice is everything, so choose wisely. You need to know that your school has employed the very best teachers for your education. They have amassed scholastic credits in the spirit realm and hold an appreciation for you, as they too once walked the earth. Just like earth school, you graduate from each level getting new teachers specializing in your field of study as you grow and expand. Fun fact: you do get to keep your headmaster throughout this lifetime. I mean who doesn’t love a Dumbledore? He or she is charged with overseeing your overall education. When you get stuck or feel like you are stagnating in life, please remember they have office hours and will gladly offer you support. For them your success is determined by your ability to transcend any obstacle that interferes with your ability to love and accept yourself.

Their work is not easy, as you are not always motivated to learn, so offer them gratitude on teacher appreciation days. And for God sakes…do what it takes to pass each level because if you don’t get it together, you get to come back and pick up where you left off. In the world of energy there is no skating by because you’re athletic or your parents have pull.

Karma is real!

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