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Sabrina Matheny

Working Through The Growing Pains of Expansion

Updated: Apr 1

If you have seen the movie The Miracle Worker about Anne Sullivan’s struggle to teach the blind and deaf Helen Keller to communicate, you will understand the power of the breakthrough moment of “WAHHH…!” It was the turning point in Helen’s life when she was able to suspend her sorrow and rage at living in an isolated world and connect through her newfound understanding of language with another human being.

In working with people either through my spiritual business or teaching French, I find breakthrough moments to be the most rewarding part of my work life. Witnessing a client suddenly connect the dots of their beliefs and their journey in life and then choosing to use self-reflection as a tool to see through their illusions is intoxicating! It is equally rewarding to see the excitement on a kid’s face when they suddenly use French to express their ideas, rather than mimic something from the textbook. It all boils down to owning and integrating information that will increase the pleasure of being in life in a way that is calibrated specifically to their personal frequency.

When we are doing these things that create connection and self-empowerment, our personal frequency increases. If we move our vibe into a gamma frequency band between 30 Hz and 100 Hz cycles per second we elevate our energy to the channeling frequency in the brain. What does this mean? It means that whatever we create in this state is coming from our higher state of consciousness and is imbibed with that healing frequency.

Anyone who is exposed to our work of art, our piece of music, the meal we cook or even the house we clean now has access to a higher frequency of energy. This increases their ability to connect to their higher state of consciousness and create their own version of a work of art! This is why we can stand in front of a masterpiece or witness a performance and cry. We feel a deep sense of connection and can sense the authenticity of the artist’s message to the point of being moved physically by their artform. Our body is moving into a higher frequency of energy. We have an emotional response to that heightened energy and our body’s wisdom uses our tears to clear out any stagnant energy to make room for our own creations.

Contracted energy can lead to discomfort in the physical body. When we ignore or avoid our emotional pain we miss vital clues our wisdom offers us as a path to healing. This often forces the natural flow of energy to slow its roll to the point of creating dis-ease in that part of the body. While this is an experience of how slow-moving energy can impact us physically, we can also be negatively impacted by fast moving energy at a higher frequency in our body.

If you meditate daily this might sound familiar to you. Anytime we increase our personal frequency we will notice more readily where we feel constrictions in our bodies.  We can liken it to a garden hose that has a kink in it:  the more we open the valve and increase the flow of water, the more likely the hose will spring a leak where there is constriction. It simply cannot contain the increase in water pressure without it affecting it’s physical container.  

There is never a one size fits all cure to helping the physical body to adjust more readily to the higher energy, but a great place to start is what comes up emotionally when we tune into the tightness in our bodies. For me, I like to associate the part of the body and its role in maintaining my physical well-being with any fear I may be experiencing around my beliefs. For example, lately my neck has been bothering me. I have been working on changing my posture and with that, opening my chest more as I stand tall in the world.  As I align my entire body and open my energy to not only share my energy, but receive more through my heart chakra, I now am aware of where I might need to do a little more work on choosing new perspectives in life. Where in my life am I unable to see clearly all around me?  Where in my thoughts do I choose to be stuck looking in one direction? As I relax and trust what I am being shown by spirit, I am shifting into my natural vibration, and I am better able to contain the energy I am channeling from my guides. When I get insistent that I  must experience a particular outcome, my body starts to tighten, and certain people become a pain in my neck!

Transcending old beliefs and expanding our interconnectedness with our world gives us the “wahhh” moment that alters our course. With any expansion there will be growing pains. We must be prepared for the impact that it can have on our bodies and in our relationships with others, because all of it will get caught up in the tides of change. If we are aware and able to navigate the discomfort, we can reframe the steep drops, sharp turns, and inversions as a temporary ride on a roller coaster! The universe has a predilection for thrills and surprises so let go of your hold bar and wave your hands in the air, it’s gonna be great!

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